Learn to Shamanic Journey Workshop

drumIf you’re interested in Native American spirituality and shamanic journeying, consider attending an upcoming workshop facilitated by Shaman Elizabeth Herrera. Shamanic journeying bridges the gap between this world and the spirit realm, allowing you to communicate with the Divine. Through this connection, you begin to heal yourself and others.

The workshop is aimed at the novice, but many people who are experienced in shamanic journeying come to refresh their skills and enjoy the presence of other like-minded individuals.

Here is a brief overview of shamanic journeying:

During a shamanic journey, a person utilizes a visionary process to travel to the spirit realm to request healings, receive Divine messages, and commune with nature and the universe.

In the spirit realm, a person can interact with spirit guides, ancestors, spirits of people from this world and enlightened beings. During this workshop, you will discover your Power Animal, who acts as protector and guide through the spirit realm and can be a part of your spiritual journey for a lifetime or a brief period during which their archetype power is needed most.

Shamanic journeying is a natural gift that everyone can accomplish on some level, although group dynamics make it easier to experience more vivid journeys.

Saturday, April 18, 2015 • 9:30-5 pm EST • $75 (includes lunch). This price is half of the normal rate and is being offered as a “give-back” to people, who might not otherwise be able to afford it.
Short Journey Retreat Center
2323 Cleveland Rd., Smithfield, North Carolina
Questions? Send email to info@shamanelizabeth.com


I hope you can join us!
Blessed journeys!
Elizabeth Herrera

Shaman Elizabeth Herrera

ABOUT THE TEACHER: Shaman Elizabeth Herrera is a healer, poet, activist and storyteller, who writes life-changing books and screenplays.

Elizabeth was raised in a Christian home, but lost her faith in her early twenties. For over a decade, she searched for something to fill the void, eventually discovering Native American spirituality. Through this spiritual practice, she unexpectedly became a catalyst for healing and miracles. These events led her back to a belief in a higher power.

Always drawn to the spiritual side of life, Elizabeth began her shamanic path in Michigan where she learned to shamanic journey with Stephanie Tighe (a certified Sandra Ingerman instructor). Elizabeth continued her studies through the Foundation for Shamanic Studies for shamanic journeying, soul retrieval, and death and dying (psychopomp), but her major source of learning has been from her spirit guides, who offer limitless guidance and lessons on living a more spiritual life.

She combines her shamanic practice with the teachings of A Course in Miracles (ACIM). These teachings offer guidance on learning to let the Divine lead the way and the importance of forgiveness.

Elizabeth was fortunate to know her great-grandfather, a full-blooded Apache who raised her father, smuggled sugar and flour from Mexico into Texas, exchanged gunfire with Texas Rangers and crossed paths with Pancho Villa.

She is the author of the books Shaman Stone Soup, Dreams of Dying and Earth Sentinels.  To learn more about her stories, visit shamanelizabethherrera.com.



“Elizabeth is an AWESOME Shamanic Journey leader and teacher.”
Kerry Jon Gramse, Pennsylvania

“I can’t believe the miracle that I have experienced since the first workshop I attended 2 1/2 weeks ago. Since yesterday, I have felt better than I have ever felt in my entire life!”
— Robin F., Raleigh, North Carolina

“To realize one’s destiny is a person’s only obligation.”
— from The Alchemist